
“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.”
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Dr. Stephen provides consultation for gifted individuals and the parents of gifted youth.  Unlike most psychologists, counselors, and therapists, Dr. Stephen has dedicated a significant part of her personal and professional life to assisting gifted students and their families.  She has participated in numerous professional training experiences addressing the needs of gifted individuals and their families.

People who are gifted are often misunderstood.  Dr. Stephen provides psychoeducational information about the unique emotional, social, behavioral, and cognitive characteristics of giftedness.  She helps gifted people and their families understand how giftedness impacts their lives.  She assists gifted people in coping with various issues related to giftedness while helping them honor and celebrate their incredible potential.

All consultations involve discussing topics relevant to the client’s needs, and Dr. Stephen shares helpful information and data related to those topics.  If necessary, Dr. Stephen helps her clients develop an action plan and implement the steps identified.  When needed, she helps clients connect with additional resources to be successful in working through the issues they present.